
Trusted by the industry’s most significant teams, our network spans a vast array of top financial institutions across the globe. We take on the uncomfortable burden of stressing maximization of our clients financial interests, so they don’t have to. In turn the advisor can focus on building the relationship, cultural & client fit, and product capability of their potential future employer. At Global Recruit Associates, we see clients as lifetime partners.

  • Recruited hundreds of millions in revenues over the past 30 years

  • Recruited 4 of the 10 largest salespeople on Wall Street

  • Eight figure team from warehouse to Pershing

  • 20 plus million dollar Enterprise team to LPL

  • Placed advisor that individually is the largest producer at RBC

  • Significant First Republic placements

  • Placed the single largest team from Solomon Brothers

  • Placed the single largest team from First Boston

  • Placed the single largest team to Bear Sterns

  • Placed team that generated in excess of 100 in million revenue over two years

  • Placed the single largest team from CSFB

  • Placed multiple billion dollar asset advisors

  • Placed multiple former Kidder, Bear, CSFB & Lehman Advisors

  • Placed one of UBS’ largest advisors

  • Placed multiple 8 figure middle market advisors

  • Placed Capital Markets, Middle & Institutional Sales

  • Diversity & Inclusion specific placements

  • Placed advisor who is currently one of Morgan Stanley’s top 5 advisors

  • Placed 10 Billion/48 Million dollar Advisor

  • Placed advisor who managed in excess of $20 billion

  • Placed a multi-billion dollar Advisor to Jefferies

  • Placed Billion dollar Advisor to Oppenheimer

  • Placed advisor who was formerly Prudential’s largest

  • Placed an 8-figure advisor from Hambrecht & Quist

  • Placed multiple eight figure revenue Advisors

  • Placed CES specialization team

  • Placed multiple 8 figure Fee advisor teams

  • Placed the largest advisor at UBS Warburg

  • Placed significant Corporate Cash team

  • Hired advisor who is the largest asset holder at their firm

  • Hired advisor who is the largest individual producer at their firm